We'll miss you, Kevin! Hope that all is well. Looking forward to meeting Jazmine and hearing about her work! Sounds very interesting!
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 01:50 PM
From: Kevin Francis
Subject: Besides ASBMB (of course), what are some other lipid-centric meetings you enjoy?
Thanks James! I unfortunately had a family conflict and now can't make your FASEB meeting next week :-(
But if you (or anyone else on this page) is available, please stop by my postdoc's poster (Dr. Jazmine Yaeger, poster session #2, poster #115) to provide us some feedback on some of our recent findings regarding LDs in our sterol-associated disease model. We would appreciate the feedback!
Kevin Francis
Principal Investigator
Sanford Research
Sioux Falls SD
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 01:08 PM
From: James Olzmann
Subject: Besides ASBMB (of course), what are some other lipid-centric meetings you enjoy?
See you in Minnesota next week! I'll be at my favorite - the FASEB Lipid Droplet conference. It's going to be a lot of fun having this co-located with FASEB Phospholipids! Lipid extravaganza!!
A few others - Deuel Conference on Lipids, EMBO Lipid Droplet, Kern meeting... Keystone has a "Lipids in Cellular Function and Disease" this year. Not sure if that one is new?
James Olzmann
Associate Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley CA
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 10:59 AM
From: Raymond Blind
Subject: Besides ASBMB (of course), what are some other lipid-centric meetings you enjoy?
Hi All! I always try to go to the FASEB Phospholipids meeting every other year in the summer (next week in Minnesota!), SERLC (every Fall in Asheville, NC) and GRC lipids. SERLC only students (PhD and undergrads) and postdocs give talks, so its a great spot for training and to recruit postdocs!!!
By the way, I am always looking for postdocs, if you are graduating soon and interested in living in Nashville, send me an email :)
Raymond Blind
Assistant Professor
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville TN
Original Message:
Sent: 03-28-2024 01:06 PM
From: Kevin Francis
Subject: Besides ASBMB (of course), what are some other lipid-centric meetings you enjoy?
Now that ASBMB 2024 is behind us, what are some other regularly held lipid-focused meetings folks routinely attend and enjoy?
Looking forward to the lipid droplet meeting organized by Drs. Henne and Olzmann this summer!
Kevin Francis
Principal Investigator
Sanford Research
Sioux Falls SD