Lipid Research Division

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Lipids:Grease no longer-The upswing in the identification of allosteric lipid binding sites.

  • 1.  Lipids:Grease no longer-The upswing in the identification of allosteric lipid binding sites.

    Posted Sep 19, 2024 03:59 PM

    The identification of functional lipid binding sites in proteins is starting to pop up more and more. Two recent preprints in eLife are two examples.  One has identified an allosteric binding site for cholesterol in GLP-1R, the receptor that is the target of the famous new class of anti-obesity drugs (eLife 101011.1). The second is the identification of functional binding sites for polyunsaturated fatty acids in oneof the slow delayed rectifier current channels (IKs) responsible for Long QT syndrome. This follows the identification over the last year or so for the ceramide binding sites in the regulators of serine palmitoyltransferase (the Orms/ORMDLs) in yeast, plant, and human cells. Share any more examples that you know of.

    Brian Wattenberg
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Richmond VA