Yes, I agree with students have competing needs and priorities. I am lucky this term, with terrific students. But I note, as Pam says, that I need to step in and complete some of the experiments. They are commuters, and work jobs, so this is not a surprise.
Marilee Benore
University of Michigan at Dearborn
Dearborn MI
Original Message:
Sent: 02-19-2024 04:44 PM
From: Quinn Vega
Subject: Mentoring Undergraduate Research
I have seen that some of my research students are distracted but I attribute this, in part, to their extended work schedules, attempts to be involved in multiple activities (not just school work and research) in order to appear well-rounded, and sometimes a general stress about numerous issues. Curious if this is true at all types of institutions.
Quinn Vega
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair NJ
Original Message:
Sent: 02-18-2024 10:09 PM
From: Joseph Provost
Subject: Mentoring Undergraduate Research
Perhaps I am just getting old, but it seems research students have a different level of commitment post-COVID. Not complaining but wondering if others have seen this too. For the most part they seem well intentioned but aren't as engaged as they've been.
Joseph Provost
University of San Diego
San Diego CA