Your event probably already happened, but here's a thought anyway. You could make something to show how differential activation of three cone types results in perception of many different colors, by analogy with an LED screen. It could be a tablet where a user can pick the screen color, then see the pixels with a low-power lens. (Even if you just take a cell phone photo of a computer monitor and zoom in on the photo, you can see the RGB pixels, which is pretty neat.)
Melina Agosto
Assistant Professor
Dalhousie University
Original Message:
Sent: May 01, 2024 09:38 AM
From: John Tansey
Subject: Seeking content or ideas for outreach event
Does anyone have an outreach activity that is biochemically based that is related to vision or sight? I was thinking of some sort of poster that described interactions of light with rhodopsin or the signalling pathways in retina but I'd like an interactive with it. I could build models of retinal and show cis-trans isomerization but I was looking for something more. We're participating in a series of public outreach events and we will have a table with other STEM groups. Bio is dissecting eyes, physics is looking at spectra, chem is doing light and art, etc.
John Tansey
Program Director, Professor
Otterbein University
Westerville OH